Cummings School researchers study how increasing women’s access to livestock vaccines can improve animal and human health and well-being

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The university files amicus brief in support of lawsuit opposing new rule that forces international students to leave the U.S. if they take all their classes online

The Veterinarian-Humanitarian
A Cummings School and Fletcher School alum works to get U.S. aid where it’s needed to fight COVID-19, locusts, and other emergencies across the globe

The gift from Ben Harburg, A06, will help protect all hospital patients and staff

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U.S. Right to Know
New research from the Tufts Global Development and Environment Institute levels harsh critiques at the billion dollar Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa
The End of Offices Is More Aspiration Than Reality
Fletcher’s Bhaskar Chakravorti outlines the conditions needed for an economy to become a future digital hub.
Africa’s Farmers: Key to Solving Malnutrition
Global Development And Environment Institute's Timothy Wise discusses why a “shift to sustainable crop diversity” is a better way to tackle undernourishment issues in Africa.
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